Davin Potts added the comment:

While I believe I understand the motivation behind the suggestion to detect 
when the code is doing something potentially dangerous, I'll point out a few 
* any time you ask for a layer of convenience, you must choose something to 
sacrifice to get it (usually performance is sacrificed) and this sacrifice will 
affect all code (including non-problematic code)
* behind the scenes multiprocessing itself is employing multiple threads in the 
creation and coordination between processes -- "checking to see if there are 
multiple threads active on process creation" is therefore a more complicated 
request than it maybe first appears
* Regarding "python makes it very easy to mix these two", I'd say it's nearly 
as easy to mix the two in C code -- the common pattern across different 
languages is to learn the pros+cons+gotchyas of working with processes and 

I too come from the world of scientific software and the mixing of Fortran, 
C/C++, and Python (yay science and yay Fortran) so I'll make another point 
(apologies if you already knew this):
There's a lot of computationally intensive code in scientific code/applications 
and being able to perform those computations in parallel is a wonderful thing.  
I am unsure if the tests you're trying to speed up exercise compute-intensive 
functions but let's assume they do.  For reasons not described here, using the 
CPython implementation, there is a constraint on the use of threads that 
restricts them to all run on a single core of your multi-core cpu (and on only 
one cpu if you have an SMP system).  Hence spinning up threads to perform 
compute intensive tasks will likely result in no better throughput (no speedup) 
because they're all fighting over the same maxed-out core.  To spread out onto 
and take advantage of multiple cores (and multiple cpus on an SMP system) you 
will want switch to creating processes (as you say you now have).  I'd make the 
distinction that you are likely much more interested in 'parallel computing' 
than 'concurrent execution'.  Since you're already using mult
 iprocessing you might also simply use `multiprocessing.Pool`.


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