Eryk Sun added the comment:

> check that a handle is actually a real console handle or 
> what type it is

Did you mean a path here? Certainly you can check a handle, but that means 
opening the path twice.

You can use GetFullPathName to classify the path, and then use GetFullPathName 
again when opening it. Keep the original path as the `name`. When classifying 
the path, ignore the DOS-device prefix, "\\.\" or "\\?\", if present, and do a 
case-insensitive match for CON, CONIN$, or CONOUT$.

GetFullPathName transforms paths containing the "CON" device, e.g. "C:\Temp\con 
  :.spam  " =>  "\\.\CON". This ignores trailing spaces and anything after the 
first "." or ":" in the last component. It also translates forward slashes, 
e.g. "//./con" => "\\.\con". On Windows 8+ it also works with CONIN$ and 
CONOUT$, transforming them to "\\.\CONIN$" and "\\.\CONOUT$". 

This is reliable on Windows 8+, without having to also call GetFullPathName 
again when opening the path. The problem with Windows Vista and 7 is a speed 
hack it has. In these older versions, opening the console has to be handled 
specially by the function OpenConsoleW, so like you have to do here, in Windows 
7 there's an internal BaseIsThisAConsoleName function to classify a path. 

This function always checks for "CON", "CONIN$", or "CONOUT$" (case 
insensitive). But it also matches "\\.\CON" and in some cases also "CON" in the 
last component. Since BaseIsThisAConsoleName always has to be called, the path 
search could hurt performance. So there's a dubious hack to only look for "CON" 
if the path starts with "\", "c", or "C" or ends with "n", "N", "or ":". Thus 
"C:\temp\con  " opens the console because it starts with "C", but not 
"Z:\temp\con  " because it starts with "Z" and ends with a space.

status: closed -> open

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