Tim Peters added the comment:

I think Raymond will have to chime in.  I assume this is due to the 
`letter_range` portion of the test suffering hash randomization dealing it a 
bad hand - but the underlying string hash is "supposed to be" strong regardless 
of seed.  The

    self.assertGreater(4*u, t)
AssertionError: 124 not greater than 128

failure says 128 distinct sets hashed to only u = 124/4 = 31 distinct values 
across their hashes' last 7 bits, and that's worth complaining about.  It's way 
too many collisions.

It _may_ be a flaw in the set hash, or in the string hash, or just plain bad 
luck, but there's really no way to know which without digging into details.

nosy: +tim.peters

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