New submission from INADA Naoki:

This patch reduces indirect access to improve readability.

Slower (14):
- logging_format: 29.9 us +- 2.7 us -> 31.2 us +- 2.8 us: 1.04x slower
- scimark_monte_carlo: 227 ms +- 5 ms -> 235 ms +- 16 ms: 1.03x slower
- dulwich_log: 149 ms +- 10 ms -> 153 ms +- 14 ms: 1.03x slower
- json_dumps: 23.9 ms +- 1.5 ms -> 24.5 ms +- 2.4 ms: 1.03x slower
- scimark_lu: 490 ms +- 12 ms -> 501 ms +- 33 ms: 1.02x slower
- deltablue: 16.4 ms +- 0.6 ms -> 16.7 ms +- 0.6 ms: 1.02x slower
- call_simple: 13.3 ms +- 0.5 ms -> 13.6 ms +- 0.5 ms: 1.02x slower
- sqlalchemy_declarative: 323 ms +- 11 ms -> 330 ms +- 26 ms: 1.02x slower
- regex_compile: 389 ms +- 12 ms -> 394 ms +- 28 ms: 1.01x slower
- python_startup: 16.4 ms +- 0.5 ms -> 16.6 ms +- 0.9 ms: 1.01x slower
- regex_dna: 284 ms +- 7 ms -> 286 ms +- 20 ms: 1.01x slower
- pidigits: 297 ms +- 7 ms -> 299 ms +- 17 ms: 1.01x slower
- raytrace: 1.18 sec +- 0.02 sec -> 1.18 sec +- 0.03 sec: 1.00x slower
- python_startup_no_site: 9.96 ms +- 0.25 ms -> 9.98 ms +- 0.45 ms: 1.00x slower

Faster (11):
- pickle_dict: 65.7 us +- 1.4 us -> 63.1 us +- 2.0 us: 1.04x faster
- call_method_unknown: 19.4 ms +- 1.1 ms -> 18.8 ms +- 0.9 ms: 1.03x faster
- xml_etree_parse: 248 ms +- 11 ms -> 244 ms +- 14 ms: 1.02x faster
- xml_etree_generate: 225 ms +- 13 ms -> 221 ms +- 10 ms: 1.02x faster
- call_method_slots: 16.9 ms +- 0.8 ms -> 16.6 ms +- 0.7 ms: 1.02x faster
- logging_silent: 725 ns +- 41 ns -> 715 ns +- 35 ns: 1.01x faster
- xml_etree_iterparse: 210 ms +- 16 ms -> 208 ms +- 12 ms: 1.01x faster
- json_loads: 53.7 us +- 3.4 us -> 53.0 us +- 1.7 us: 1.01x faster
- call_method: 17.2 ms +- 0.8 ms -> 17.0 ms +- 0.6 ms: 1.01x faster
- nbody: 227 ms +- 14 ms -> 226 ms +- 8 ms: 1.00x faster
- pickle_pure_python: 1.07 ms +- 0.04 ms -> 1.07 ms +- 0.07 ms: 1.00x faster

Benchmark hidden because not significant (39): 2to3, chameleon, chaos, 
crypto_pyaes, django_template, fannkuch, float, genshi_text, genshi_xml, go, 
hexiom, html5lib, logging_simple, mako, meteor_contest, nqueens, pathlib, 
pickle, pickle_list, regex_effbot, regex_v8, richards, scimark_fft, 
scimark_sor, scimark_sparse_mat_mult, spectral_norm, sqlalchemy_imperative, 
sqlite_synth, sympy_expand, sympy_integrate, sympy_str, sympy_sum, telco, 
tornado_http, unpack_sequence, unpickle, unpickle_list, unpickle_pure_python, 

components: Interpreter Core
files: simplify-lookdict.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 281861
nosy: inada.naoki
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: patch review
status: open
title: simplify lookdict functions
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.7
Added file:

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