Marco Buttu added the comment:

The documentation [1] says: "If a variable is used in a code block but not 
defined there, it is a free variable." According to this description,  it seems 
to me that the variable ``x`` is free in ``foo()``::

  >>> def foo():
  ...     print(x)

But actually for the code object it is not::

  >>> foo.__code__.co_freevars

The meaning of free variable used for the code object is consistent with the 
``locals()`` documentation [2]: "Free variables are returned by locals() when 
it is called in function blocks". In fact, in the following code ``x` is not a 
free variable for ``locals()``::

  >>> def foo():
  ...     print(x)
  ...     print(locals())
  >>> x = 3
  >>> foo()

So, I thing there is an inconsistency between the definition of "free variable" 
given in [1] and the meaning of "free variable" both in the code object and in 
the ``locals()`` documentation [2]. 
But if we change the definition of "free variable" according to the meaning of 
both the code object and ``locals()``, I am afraid we go in the wrong 
direction, because I suspect for most people the proper definition of free 
variable is the one given in [1]. Also for Wikipedia [3]: "In computer 
programming, the term free variable refers to variables used in a function that 
are neither local variables nor parameters of that function.".

Instead, if we keep or remove the definition of "free variable" given in [1], I 
agree with Terry to change the ``locals()`` documentation, writing that 
"``locals()`` includes also the locals of the surrounding function contexts, 
even though they are called 'nonlocal' within the nested function.". Maybe it 
is also worth adding a shell example, to better clarify. 

So, at the end, to me the ideal solution would be to keep in [1] the current 
definition of "free variable", to change the ``locals()`` documentation 
according to Terry suggestion, and to change the behavior of 
``code.co_freevars`` (maybe not only this) in order to fit the definition.


nosy: +marco.buttu

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