Josh Rosenberg added the comment:

So just to be clear, the issue with non-string or non-unique keywords is purely 
about performance, right, not correctness/non-crashiness? Non-string keywords, 
while technically accepted by CPython, are at best barely legal by the language 
standard. The language standard for calls specifies that even using the 
**expression syntax "expression must evaluate to a mapping, the contents of 
which are treated as additional keyword arguments" and keywords_arguments only 
allows identifier=expression, where identifier is a legal variable name (and 
therefore, a str).

If misuse of ** unpacking is slower, but still works, and correct usage is 
significantly faster, I wouldn't consider an inability to fix the performance 
for the misuse case a blocking issue; nice to have, but making common, good 
code faster is worth making rare, bad code slower.

nosy: +josh.r

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