CJ Kucera added the comment:

I've just encountered this problem on Python 3.6, on a different URL.  The 
difference being that it's not encountered with EVERY page load, though I'd say 
it happens with at least half:

import urllib.request
html = urllib.request.urlopen('http://www.basicinstructions.net/').read()

I realize that the root problem here may be an HTTP server doing something 
improper, but I've got no way of fixing someone else's webserver.  It'd be 
really nice if there was a reasonable way of handling this in Python itself.  
As mentioned in the original report, other methods of retreiving this URL work 
without fail (curl/wget/etc).  As it is, the only way for me to be sure of 
retreiving the entire page contents is by looping until I don't get an 
IncompleteRead, which is hardly ideal.

nosy: +apocalyptech
versions: +Python 3.6

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