New submission from Decorater:

The datetime_diff function compares two datetime objects and returns the time 
since the prior datetime objects (based on the current datetime object) in a 
what that is readable by humans.

This is useful when one might need to compare two datetime objects, keeping 
ones codebase as small as possible (to ensure fast Python code), and to reduce 
'hacks' in their code to make the comparison more readable by humans

the github pull request comes with changes to datetime.rst as well

Note: This is currently targeting 3.7, however if you guys desire you guys 
could backport it into 3.5 and 3.6.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation, Library (Lib)
messages: 289917
nosy: Decorater, docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Added datetime_diff to
versions: Python 3.7

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