Thomas Knox added the comment:

I changed the configuration flags to be:

pi@pi3:~/Source/Python-3.6.1 $ ./configure --enable-optimizations 
--enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions --disable-ipv6 --with-system-expat 
--with-system-ffi --with-threads

The profiling filed again with:

0:04:47 [ 25/405] test_asyncio
Executing <Task finished 
coro=<CoroutineTests.test_async_def_wrapped.<locals>.start() done, defined at 
result=None created at 
/home/pi/Source/Python-3.6.1/Lib/asyncio/> took 1.187 seconds
0:08:45 [ 26/405] test_asyncore -- test_asyncio failed in 3 min 59 sec

But at least it failed 2.5 minutes faster. :)


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