Michael Selik added the comment:

Sorry, it looks like I got the issue number wrong. My comparison should not 
have been with #24454, but instead with an issue I can't locate at the moment. 
Reproducing the example:

    for g0, g1, g2 in re.finditer(r'(\d+)/(\d+)', 'Is 1/3 the same as 2/6?'):
        ratio = Fraction(int(g1), int(g2))


    for mo in re.finditer(r'(\d+)/(\d+)', 'Is 1/3 the same as 2/6?'):
        ratio = Fraction(*map(int, mo[1:3]))

The map in the last one isn't very pretty, but I hope it illustrates the gist 
of what I'd like to do for a much larger pattern with many capture groups.


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