David Bolen added the comment:

In running the test under a local build, the issue is very repeatable, but I 
believe it's actually due to slow process startup rather than a quick exit.

That is, adding a brief sleep after process creation and just before the 
Request() call seems to fix the problem.  I'm guessing the buildbot is sluggish 
enough that it just takes a bit longer for the process to start and be ready to 
be used.  

Whether or not that's purely a machine or test problem, or whether it means 
that perhaps subprocess.Popen() is returning sooner than it should with a 
process that isn't ready yet is unclear.  (Or even if subprocess can tell)

With the machine fairly idle, it looks like the minimum workable delay is about 
200ms - probably something a bit longer would be safer under load, if looking 
for a quick workaround.


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