New submission from Decorater:

On the C API, it tells how to make modules, functions, variables, and other 
things, but what about classes?

Like for example if you wanted to make a class with all of the methods having 
to use direct C Code which would then be converted to PyObject *'s for 
returning the information the C Code would normally return.

Not only that but also being able to create class instance variables using the 
C API as well.

Like for example here is an example class (As it would be if it was written in 

class Example:
    def __init__(self): = None  # None being a place holder for now.

    def somefunction(self):
        # C Code here. = ret  # return value for the C Code.

Yes, there are better ways than writing the return data to the instance 
variable and returning it. That is just an example, I have classes that uses 
them for other things that does not return anything making the instance 
variables be the only way to get the data.

But yeah long story short I think creating classes with the C API should be 
documented if not already, or at least an example of doing one to be added as 
an guide for others wondering how to use the C API to make their own (non 
exception) classes.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation, Extension Modules
messages: 293863
nosy: Decorater, docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Document how to make classes in the C API.
versions: Python 3.5, Python 3.6, Python 3.7

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