Utkarsh Upadhyay added the comment: I went through the e-mail chain discussing the changes in repr again and I have come around to seeing that though Guido was somewhat opposed to the idea of factoring out the minus sign because it would have meant changing the attributes [1], what he really didn't want was perhaps adding attributes in repr which don't exist on the object [2]. Changing to keyword arguments was a 'go', though [3].
Esp. after it has been pointed out how easy it would be do implement, my opposition to the idea of factoring out the negative sign has somewhat come down. Personally, I prefer the current version. Further, this PR has also come to fix a couple of issues in the testing framework and it is becoming rather unwieldy to throw in doc-string changes into it as well. Hence, after some discussion with @haypo, I think I'll make a separate PR for fixing the docstrings after this PR is merged; there was general consensus that the docstrings should be fixed [4,5]. @haypo has, thankfully, showed me how and where to do that using Argument Clinic, which was the show-stopper the last time [6]. Thoughts and opinions? ~ ut [1]: https://marc.info/?l=python-dev&m=145066335824146&w=2 [2]: https://marc.info/?l=python-dev&m=145066934224955&w=2 [3]: https://marc.info/?l=python-dev&m=145073617109654&w=2 [4]: https://marc.info/?l=python-dev&m=145073579109548&w=2 [5]: https://marc.info/?l=python-dev&m=145073612409626&w=2 [6]: https://marc.info/?l=python-dev&m=145075173412963&w=2 ---------- _______________________________________ Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org> <http://bugs.python.org/issue30302> _______________________________________ _______________________________________________ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: https://mail.python.org/mailman/options/python-bugs-list/archive%40mail-archive.com