Donald Stufft <> added the comment:

The fundamental problem is that unless you're closely following the development 
of python-dev, it's really really easy to use a provisional module without 
knowing that you are.

Take asyncio for example, as far as I can tell the documentation that noted it 
was provisional was a single, near invisible (light grey on a white background) 
call out at the very top of a single page in the documentation. This is made 
especially hard when you have people giving talks at PyCon encouraging people 
to use this, libraries of the code that don't mention that asyncio is 
provisional, so unless you're directly using asyncio you might not even be 
aware that they're using a provisional API at all.

This has the effect that by including these APIs and make the fact they are 
provisional practically unnoticeable, it pushes the pain of dealing with 
changes onto library authors who have their own users asking them to integrate 
with these features. Putting library authors in the position of either having 
to opt-in to a provisional API and hope it doesn't change, having to scramble 
to keep up with changes in new minor releases, or having to relitigate why 
they're not going to support a provisional API.

Ironically, as we found with web APIs, releasing provisional APIs can actually 
make things worse for end users, because people will expect the usage of the 
APIs as if they were covered under the normal contract, but the developers of 
those APIs feel empowered to make more drastic changes. The long development 
time of CPython makes this even worse (it was ~2 years from the release of 
3.4.0 and 3.6.0 for asyncio to become non provisional, longer if you count 
alpha/beta/etc) because people want to use the new stuff, but they have to wait 
a fairly long time to be "allowed" to do it, all the while the general 
ecosystem consensus is "just do it and ignore the warning, if you noticed the 
warning at all".

Ultimately, the provisional status doesn't reduce the pain of getting APIs 
wrong, it just shifts the pain from CPython's developers to the software 
developers writing stuff that depends on CPython but that they don't directly 
control the execution environment (e.g., all the OSS libraries and applications 
on PyPI). A proposal like this helps alleviate some of that pain by creating 
additional barriers to entry to make end users less likely to use it unless 
they understand what they're asking for.


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