New submission from Zirak <>:


In [52]: import email.message

In [53]: m = email.message.Message()

In [54]: m.set_payload('abc', 'utf8')

In [55]: m.get_payload() # correctly encoded
Out[55]: 'YWJj\n'

In [56]: m.set_payload('abc', 'utf8')

In [57]: m.get_payload() # no more encoding?
Out[57]: 'abc'

In [58]: m.get_payload(decode=True) # wut?
Out[58]: b'i\xb7'

In [59]: print(str(m))
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64


While the first `set_payload` correctly encodes and sets the message's
Content-Transfer-Encoding, the second call doesn't properly encode the
payload according to its existing Content-Transfer-Encoding.
Tested on 3.6, 3.5 and 2.7.

`email.message.set_payload` does not directly encode the payload,
instead `email.message.set_charset` does, around line 353:

In both invocations of `set_payload`, the payload is not encoded
according to the encoding. On the first invocation, the `CTE` header
is correctly set according to `charset.get_body_encoding` (#354 and
#368) and the payload is encoded (#356 or #367, the latter in this

On the second invocation, the `CTE` header is already set, so the
payload is never encoded.

This is especially dangerous when passing `decode=True` to
`get_payload` after the 2nd `set_payload`, as that may throw an error
in some cases (trying to base64 decode a string which makes no sense
to it. that's how I arrived on this bug, but I can't for the life of
me replicate an exception).

This is a bit finicky to fix. If we change `set_charset` to always
encode the current payload, we risk double-encoding when `set_charset`
is not called through `set_payload`. However if `set_charset` tries to
decode the payload, it will produce incorrect results when *it is*
called through `set_payload`. urgh.

We can move the actual encoding code away from `set_charset`, either
into `set_payload` or a third function, but that'll break any code
calling `set_payload` without a charset and then calling
`set_charset`. urgh.

One possible solution is for both `set_charset` and `set_payload` to
call a third function, e.g. `_encode_payload`. Perhaps something like

def set_payload(self, payload, charset):
    # ...
    if 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' in self:
        self._payload = self._encode_payload(payload)
    # ...

def set_charset(self, charset):
    # ...
    if 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' not in self:
        self._payload = self._encode_payload()

def _encode_payload(self, payload):
    # code in lines 353-366

This way, `set_charset` handles the cases where CTE was never defined,
and `set_payload` makes sure to encode the payload when a CTE is
present. It may work, but something about this gives me unrest. For
example, if you `set_charset` once and it encodes your payload as
base64, and you `set_charset` again with a charset whose
`get_body_encoding` returns qp, the payload would still be base64 even
though it *should be* qp. urgh.

Is this a big enough concern? Is there a superior approach I'm

Thanks in advance!

components: email
messages: 304628
nosy: Zirak Ertan, barry, r.david.murray
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Calling email.message.set_payload twice produces an invalid eml
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.5, Python 3.6

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