Nick Coghlan <> added the comment:

While it doesn't necessarily need to be in this patch, something else I 
recently realised (by breaking it *cough* [1]) is that the interaction between 
our command line options and our environment variables isn't really clearly 
defined anywhere.
 restored the handling of simple on/off toggles as "toggle enabled = env var is 
set OR CLI flag is passed", but I noticed the other day that the interaction 
between PYTHONWARNINGS, the `-W` option, sys.warnoptions, and _warnings.filters 
is a bit confusing:

$ PYTHONWARNINGS=always,default python3 -Wignore -Wonce
Python 3.6.2 (default, Oct  2 2017, 16:51:32) 
[GCC 7.2.1 20170915 (Red Hat 7.2.1-2)] on linux
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>>> import sys, _warnings
>>> sys.warnoptions
['always', 'default', 'ignore', 'once']
>>> [f[0] for f in _warnings.filters[:4]]
['once', 'ignore', 'default', 'always']

The ordering makes *sense* (where sys.warnoptions just lists filter definitions 
in the order they're given, and later filters take priority over earlier ones, 
just as they do for any "warnings.filterwarnings" call), but it isn't 
immediately intuitive (since the outcome relies on filters being prepended by 

That said, I've checked and the current warnings configuration behaviour *is* 
explicitly covered by the test suite (in,
 so a passing test suite provides confidence we haven't broken anything on that 



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