Terry J. Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> added the comment:

Your posted code and much else runs fine for me with 2.7.14 on Win 10. Millions 
of lines of legal Python code run on perhaps a million machines aroung the 
world.  Except possibly for your particular machine, your conclusion is wrong.

>From the traceback, you are running code via IDLE, most likely from the 
>editor.  Please specify exactly what you do to get the error, starting with 
>which 2.7.z patch release you are using.

When current Python and IDLE are correctly installed, PyShell.use_subprocess is 
set to True nearly first thing on startup.  If one starts IDLE with the '-n' 
option, use_subprocess is set to False.  The variable is never deleted.

This is the first report I know of where Python sees use_subprocess as missing. 
 Why?  I can think of the following possibilities of what might be wrong on 
your machine:
* Your python installation has a severe bug. If you need help with 
re-installing, try the python-list mailing list.
* Hardware bug.  See a tech.
* You are using an obsolete version of 2.7 and ran into a bug since fixed.  
Upgrade to 2.7.14.
* You have MacOS and ignored https://www.python.org/download/mac/tcltk/.  Click 
Help and About IDLE and the box will include the tcl/tk version being run.  
Follow the instruction very carefully.

None of the above are in scope for this tracker.

* You somehow triggered a severe super-obscure bug. If you convince me that 
there might plausibly be a bug in IDLE, and agree to help investigate, I will 
try to find and fix it.

For a start, run "python -m test" on a terminal or command line, where 'python' 
is the specific command to run 2.7 on your OS.

status:  -> open

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