Eric V. Smith <> added the comment:

Only hash has the tri-state True/False/None behavior, defaulting to None. It's 
this way because None is the "do what's rational, based on eq and frozen" 
behavior. None of the other parameters work this way. 

There's a long issue in the attrs repo that describes how they came to this 
conclusion: I think it makes 

None of the dataclass parameters have a sentinel that would let me detect if 
the user provided a value or not. In the case of hash, I can't detect if they 
explicitly passed hash=None or just didn't provide a value. I've given this 
some thought, and couldn't come up with a use case for knowing this. For 
example, if init had a sentinel value of MISSING, what would the code ever do 
except start with:
if init is sentinel:
    init = True

In addition to your list of dunder-control-parameters, there's frozen. It 
determines if instances are immutable (to the extent that they can be made 


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