Serhiy Storchaka <> added the comment:

On Linux the limit is much larger that 2**15. This depends on the stack size, 
it is smaller on Windows.

The stack is overflowed by recursive call of ast2obj_expr in 
Python/Python-ast.c. The same problem exists in other recursive AST processing 
code: optimizing, unparsing. This is why 3.7 can crash in cases when 3.6 was 
not crashed.

I don't see an easy way of fixing this. The common way is surrounding recursive 
calls with Py_EnterRecursiveCall()/Py_LeaveRecursiveCall(). But this make the 
limit too small (1000 by default). In other cases it is enough. The data 
structures with 1000 levels of nesting are rare. In any case the Python 
compiler has lower limit on nesting indented blocks. But in this case the 
linear sequence of binary operators is compiled to deeply nested structure.

I see two hard ways of properly fixing this.

1. Rewrite all AST expression processing code with using an explicit stack 
instead of function stack. This will complicate a lot of C code too much. 
Python code should be rewritten too if you don't want to get a RecursionError 
in corner cases, but for common cases it can be left unmodified.

2. Change binary operations representation, so that a+b+c+d will be represented 
as ('+', (a, b, c, d)) instead of ('+', ('+', ('+', a, b), c), d). This is 
backward incompatible change and needs to rewrite any AST processing code (in C 
and Python). This solution can't be backported. But the resulting code will be 
simpler than when rewrite them for the first approach.


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