Yury Selivanov <yseliva...@gmail.com> added the comment:

First, John and Peter, let's not have two competing PRs.  I'd prefer to have 
only one to make things easier to review.  So far it looks like Peter's is 
slightly more developed.  And this also seems to be a complex issue, so there's 
plenty of work to be done here and you can work on it jointly if you want.

I think a lot of Andrew's recommendations (see [1]) about doSetUp etc make 

The problem is how to marry methods like `asyncSetUpClass`, `asyncSetUp` and 
`runTest` together: all are async, all should be executed *within* one event 
loop.  They should also be executed *before* you call the actual test method, 
so it's *incorrect* to call the test case and decide if async set ups should be 
called or not.  This is another argument to have a separate AsyncioTestCase 
base class.

BTW, we can use asyncio.run() to execute only *one* coroutine.  If you have 
more than one, they will be executed in *different* event loops!  This is why 
the "coroutine runner" proposal is fundamentally incompatible with having 
`asyncSetUp` methods.

Speaking of asyncSetUp, let me re-iterate why we can't *just* reuse setUp:

  class B:

    async def setUp(self):

  class A(B):

    def setUp(self):

If we execute tests in A, 'bar' will never be printed.

So I'm suggesting to try another approach: have a generic ABC 
`unittets.AsyncTestCase(ABC)` with one abstract method: `makeAsyncExecutor`.  
This will be a class intended to be used by framework developers.

We then add a concrete `unittest.AsyncioTestCase(unittest.AsyncTestCase)` 
implementation class to unittest (or should it be asyncio? I'm fine either way).

So what will `makeAsyncExecutor` do?  It should return an instance of 
`unittest.AsyncExecutor(ABC)` object which roughly would look like the 
following (this is just an example design, we need to discuss it further):

  class AsyncExecutor(abc.ABC):

      def init(self)

      def runAsync(self, coro: typing.Coroutine)

      def shutdown(self)

Why do we need a proxy object?  Well, due to some historical reasons, 
`asyncio.loop.close()` just closes the loop.  The actual correct shutdown 
protocol for an asyncio program is a little bit more elaborate, you can take a 
look at how asyncio.run is implemented in Python 3.7: [2].  Correct 
initialization of an event loop might also require extra work.  And keep in 
mind, we want to have a more-or-less generic and reusable implementation here 
so that frameworks like Trio could use this new API too (that's not the main 
goal, but would be nice to have).

A few open questions: 

- Should we have 'asyncSetUpClass'?

- Should we have an event loop per one test case method, or per one class?  
Should this be configurable?  In my experience both things are needed from time 
to time.

- If we have 'asyncSetUp' should it be called before or after 'setUp'?

[1] https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/6051
[2] https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/master/Lib/asyncio/runners.py#L8


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