New submission from Jonas Obrist <>: The attached code runs fine on MacOS using 3.6.5 from homebrew. However on Windows (I tested on 3.6.4 with the 32bit installer from the website) and Linux (using the python:3.6.5 docker image) it errors with "TypeError: cannot 'yield from' a coroutine object in a non-coroutine generator".
On MacOS I tried both _UnixSelectorEventLoop with Kqueue and Select selectors, on Linux _UnixSelectorEventLoop with Epoll and Select. Which behavior is the expected one? As an aside, what I'm trying to achieve is to have an awaitable object that which if unawaited evaluates to False if used in if statements. ---------- components: asyncio files: messages: 315119 nosy: Jonas Obrist, asvetlov, yselivanov priority: normal severity: normal status: open title: Different behavior on macos and linux (docker) with __await__ type: behavior versions: Python 3.6 Added file: _______________________________________ Python tracker <> <> _______________________________________ _______________________________________________ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: