New submission from Stefan Seefeld <>:

I'm using Python's `argparse` module to define optional arguments.
I'm calling the `argparse.add_argument` method to add both short and long 
arguments, but I notice that the generated help message lists some information 
twice. For example:
argparse.add_argument('-s', '--service',...)
will generate

-s SERVICE, --service SERVICE
and when I add a `choices` argument, even the choices list is repeated. I think 
it would be more useful to suppress the repetition to produce output such as
-s|--service SERVICE ...
instead with both the meta var as well as choices etc. printed only once.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 315917
nosy: stefan
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: argparse redundant help string
type: enhancement

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