Nick Coghlan <> added the comment:

OK, that makes sense to me. Given that, there'd be two changes proposed.

1. Replace the opening paragraph of
 (the one I originally quoted when opening this issue) with the text:

Bitwise operations only make sense for integers. The result of bitwise 
operations is calculated as though carried out in two's complement with an 
infinite number of sign bits.

2. Add a new footnote ``(4)`` to the table for the ``|``, ``^``, and ``&`` 
entries that reads:

4. Performing these calculations with at least one extra sign extension bit in 
the internal representation (a working bit-width of ``1 + max(x.bit_length(), 
y.bit_length()`` or more) is sufficient to get the same result as if there were 
an infinite number of sign bits.


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