New submission from STINNER Victor <>:

test_signal.test_warn_on_full_buffer() failed on AppVeyor.

FAIL: test_warn_on_full_buffer (test.test_signal.WakeupSocketSignalTests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\projects\cpython\lib\test\", line 538, in 
    assert_python_ok('-c', code)
  File "C:\projects\cpython\lib\test\support\", line 157, in 
    return _assert_python(True, *args, **env_vars)
  File "C:\projects\cpython\lib\test\support\", line 143, in 
  File "C:\projects\cpython\lib\test\support\", line 84, in fail
AssertionError: Process return code is 1
command line: ['C:\\projects\\cpython\\PCbuild\\win32\\python.exe', '-X', 
'faulthandler', '-I', '-c', 'if 1:\n        import errno\n        import 
signal\n        import socket\n        import sys\n        import time\n        
import _testcapi\n        from import captured_stderr\n\n        
signum = signal.SIGINT\n\n        # This handler will be called, but we 
intentionally won\'t read from\n        # the wakeup fd.\n        def 
handler(signum, frame):\n            pass\n\n        signal.signal(signum, 
handler)\n\n        read, write = socket.socketpair()\n        
read.setblocking(False)\n        write.setblocking(False)\n\n        # Fill the 
send buffer\n        try:\n            while True:\n                
write.send(b"x")\n        except BlockingIOError:\n            pass\n\n        
# By default, we get a warning when a signal arrives\n        
signal.set_wakeup_fd(write.fileno())\n\n        with captured_stderr() as 
err:\n            _testcapi.raise_signal(signum)\n
 \n        err = err.getvalue()\n        if (\'Exception ignored when trying to 
send to the signal wakeup fd\'\n            not in err):\n            raise 
AssertionError(err)\n\n        # And also if warn_on_full_buffer=True\n        
signal.set_wakeup_fd(write.fileno(), warn_on_full_buffer=True)\n\n        with 
captured_stderr() as err:\n            _testcapi.raise_signal(signum)\n\n       
 err = err.getvalue()\n        if (\'Exception ignored when trying to send to 
the signal wakeup fd\'\n            not in err):\n            raise 
AssertionError(err)\n\n        # But not if warn_on_full_buffer=False\n        
signal.set_wakeup_fd(write.fileno(), warn_on_full_buffer=False)\n\n        with 
captured_stderr() as err:\n            _testcapi.raise_signal(signum)\n\n       
 err = err.getvalue()\n        if err != "":\n            raise 
AssertionError("got unexpected output %r" % (err,))\n\n        # And then check 
the default again, to make sure warn_on_full_buffer\n        # settings don
 \'t leak across calls.\n        signal.set_wakeup_fd(write.fileno())\n\n       
 with captured_stderr() as err:\n            _testcapi.raise_signal(signum)\n\n 
       err = err.getvalue()\n        if (\'Exception ignored when trying to 
send to the signal wakeup fd\'\n            not in err):\n            raise 
AssertionError(err)\n\n        ']
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 39, in <module>

The test passed when run again sequentially ("Re-running test 'test_signal' in 
verbose mode").

components: Tests
messages: 321775
nosy: njs, pitrou, vstinner
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: test_signal: test_warn_on_full_buffer() failed on AppVeyor
versions: Python 3.8

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