New submission from Todd <>:

Short back story - I am organizing music where "/" appears in a lot a metadata 
for the songs. For instance, the artist "AC/DC" or "ACDC w/ Axl Rose". On 
macOS, it is acceptable to name a folder "AC/DC" while the slash would cause an 
issue in Windows.

Issue - While using os.listdir to list a number of artist folders inside my 
iTunes music folder os.listdir replaced "/" with ":" IF the "/" appears in the 
name itself. It does not replace the slash delimiters. 

I have included a screen shot. On the right side of the image is an example 
directory I made with a few folders. Two of the folders have "/" in their 
names.  On the left side of the image is the Python shell showing the use of 
os.listdir along with the output. You'll notice that the listed directories 
don't include "/", but instead include ":".

components: macOS
files: Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at 9.29.59 PM.png
messages: 322128
nosy:, ned.deily, ronaldoussoren
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: [3.6.6 on macOS] os.listdir replacing "/" with ":"
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.6
Added file: Shot 2018-07-21 at 9.29.59 

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