Nick Coghlan <> added the comment:

As a completely minimal strawman design that's the closest fit to what SafeMath 
is already doing: what if there was a "linecache.fallback_source_path" 
attribute that linecache searched with importlib whenever a loader returned 
None to indicate that the module existed, but not in a format that provided 
source code?

Then instead of adding the source directory to sys.path (which was only working 
because the legacy import system never implemented PEP 302 properly), SageMath 
could instead add the source directory to that new 
linecache.fallback_source_path list.

(Given a separate linecache.fallback_metapath, a suitably clever Finder 
implementation could then even provide the URL source lookup feature)

There'd be some API design issues to work out around ensuring that directories 
added to linecache.fallback_source_path are added in the same relative order as 
directories on sys.path, but the end result would likely be more reliable and 
resilient than relying on "additional directory installed later in sys.path" as 
the fallback strategy for handling sourceless modules.


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