marche147 <> added the comment:

Thanks for the repro! It did help for pinpointing the issue.

So I took a little spare time and dived into xnu kernel code, here is my 
assumption based on what I found (N.B. : My assumption comes from a simple 
experiment and a brief skim of the source code within 15 minutes or less, it 
could be seriously wrong since I'm not an expert of XNU kernel, and I currently 
don't have the time to build and debug it.) :

In bsd/kern/kern_resource.c, there's a function `dosetrlimit` which handles the 
`setrlimit` request, and here's part of it:

    // ...
    if (limp->rlim_cur > alimp->rlim_cur) {
      user_addr_t addr;
      user_size_t size;

        /* grow stack */
        size = round_page_64(limp->rlim_cur);
        size -= round_page_64(alimp->rlim_cur);

      addr = p->user_stack - round_page_64(limp->rlim_cur);
      kr = mach_vm_protect(current_map(),
               addr, size,
               FALSE, VM_PROT_DEFAULT);
      if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
        error =  EINVAL;
        goto out;
    } // ...


As we can see, the kernel will try to `mprotect` the memory preceding the stack 
to `VM_PROT_DEFAULT` (presumably read & write). I then used `vmmap` to see the 
difference between two binaries compiled with different commands. And the 
results are : 

1. Binary compiled without default stack size:

- Before calling setrlimit

STACK GUARD            00007ffee76d9000-00007ffeeaed9000 [ 56.0M     0K     0K  
   0K] ---/rwx SM=NUL          stack guard for thread 0
Stack                  00007ffeeaed9000-00007ffeeb6d9000 [ 8192K    20K    20K  
   0K] rw-/rwx SM=PRV          thread 0
                                VIRTUAL RESIDENT    DIRTY  SWAPPED VOLATILE   
REGION TYPE                        SIZE     SIZE     SIZE     SIZE     SIZE     
SIZE     SIZE    COUNT (non-coalesced)
===========                     ======= ========    =====  ======= ========   
======    =====  =======
Kernel Alloc Once                    8K       4K       4K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K        2
MALLOC guard page                   16K       0K       0K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K        5
MALLOC metadata                     60K      60K      60K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K        6
MALLOC_SMALL                      16.0M      16K      16K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K        3         see MALLOC ZONE table below
MALLOC_TINY                       2048K      32K      32K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K        3         see MALLOC ZONE table below
STACK GUARD                       56.0M       0K       0K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K        2
Stack                             8192K      20K      20K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K        2
__DATA                            2324K    1192K     208K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K       43
__LINKEDIT                       192.7M    21.7M       0K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K        4
__TEXT                            9448K    8224K       0K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K       48
shared memory                        8K       8K       8K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K        3
===========                     ======= ========    =====  ======= ========   
======    =====  =======
TOTAL                            286.3M    31.0M     348K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K      110

- After calling setrlimit

STACK GUARD            00007ffee76d9000-00007ffee76da000 [    4K     0K     0K  
   0K] ---/rwx SM=NUL          stack guard for thread 0
Stack                  00007ffee76da000-00007ffeeaed9000 [ 56.0M     0K     0K  
   0K] rw-/rwx SM=NUL          thread 0
Stack                  00007ffeeaed9000-00007ffeeb6d9000 [ 8192K    20K    20K  
   0K] rw-/rwx SM=PRV          thread 0
                                VIRTUAL RESIDENT    DIRTY  SWAPPED VOLATILE   
REGION TYPE                        SIZE     SIZE     SIZE     SIZE     SIZE     
SIZE     SIZE    COUNT (non-coalesced)
===========                     ======= ========    =====  ======= ========   
======    =====  =======
Kernel Alloc Once                    8K       4K       4K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K        2
MALLOC guard page                   16K       0K       0K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K        5
MALLOC metadata                     60K      60K      60K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K        6
MALLOC_SMALL                      16.0M      20K      20K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K        3         see MALLOC ZONE table below
MALLOC_TINY                       2048K      32K      32K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K        3         see MALLOC ZONE table below
STACK GUARD                          4K       0K       0K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K        2
Stack                             64.0M      20K      20K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K        3
__DATA                            2324K    1192K     208K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K       43
__LINKEDIT                       192.7M    21.7M       0K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K        4
__TEXT                            9448K    8224K       0K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K       48
shared memory                        8K       8K       8K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K        3
===========                     ======= ========    =====  ======= ========   
======    =====  =======
TOTAL                            286.3M    31.0M     352K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K      111

2. Binary compiled with default stack size:

Before calling setrlimit :
STACK GUARD            00007ffee09c2000-00007ffee09c3000 [    4K     0K     0K  
   0K] ---/rwx SM=NUL          stack guard for thread 0
Stack                  00007ffee09c3000-00007ffee19c3000 [ 16.0M    20K    20K  
   0K] rw-/rwx SM=PRV          thread 0
                                VIRTUAL RESIDENT    DIRTY  SWAPPED VOLATILE   
REGION TYPE                        SIZE     SIZE     SIZE     SIZE     SIZE     
SIZE     SIZE    COUNT (non-coalesced)
===========                     ======= ========    =====  ======= ========   
======    =====  =======
Kernel Alloc Once                    8K       4K       4K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K        2
MALLOC guard page                   16K       0K       0K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K        5
MALLOC metadata                     60K      60K      60K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K        6
MALLOC_SMALL                      8192K      12K      12K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K        2         see MALLOC ZONE table below
MALLOC_TINY                       1024K      20K      20K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K        2         see MALLOC ZONE table below
STACK GUARD                          4K       0K       0K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K        2
Stack                             16.0M      20K      20K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K        2
__DATA                            2324K    1192K     208K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K       43
__LINKEDIT                       192.7M    22.3M       0K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K        4
__TEXT                            9448K    8232K       0K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K       48
shared memory                        8K       8K       8K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K        3
===========                     ======= ========    =====  ======= ========   
======    =====  =======
TOTAL                            229.3M    31.7M     332K       0K       0K     
  0K       0K      108

As we can see, it seems that the kernel tried to `mprotect` (or we can say, 
allocate) from the "STACK GUARD" region. So where does this "STACK GUARD" 
region comes from? Let's see this:

bsd/kern/kern_exec.c, in `create_unix_stack` function (where the kernel creates 
the stack for a new task, I assume) :

#define unix_stack_size(p)  (p->p_rlimit[RLIMIT_STACK].rlim_cur)
    if (load_result->user_stack_size == 0) {
      load_result->user_stack_size = unix_stack_size(p);
      prot_size = mach_vm_trunc_page(size - load_result->user_stack_size);
    } else {
      prot_size = PAGE_SIZE;

    prot_addr = addr;
    kr = mach_vm_protect(map,

So that comes my conclusion: if the binary has a specified default stack size, 
this `load_result->user_stack_size` would not be zero (this should be set 
somewhere inside the mach-o parser/loader, I guess), so the kernel will only 
map a small page for the "STACK GUARD" region, otherwise the kernel will use 
the current stack size soft limit (inherited from the parent) as the 
`user_stack_size` and calculates a `prot_size`, which should be (rlim_max - 
rlim_cur). And of course, the python3 binary was built with default stack size, 
so the kernel does not provide a huge enough "STACK GUARD" region for the 
`setrlimit` syscall to allot more stack space than the default stack size.


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