Jeremy Kloth <> added the comment:

The existing re-code solution is being triggered, as the `errors` in this case 
is 'surrogateescape' with an encoding of 'cp1252'.

Here, pip is using subprocess.Popen() to have Python run  During 
execution, a filename, 'taqdir\\\u0634\u0645\u0627\', which has 
characters not encodable in cp1252.

I think that here, Python is not configuring its stdin/stdout/stderr streams 
correctly when run as a subprocess connected to pipes.  Or, at least, 
subprocess.Popen() isn't passing the right (or enough) information to Python to 
get itself configured.

There should ultimately be a way to have Python (in a subprocess, on Windows) 
pass through Unicode untouched to its calling process.  I suppose it would mean 
setting the PYTHONIOENCODING envvar when using subprocess.

After all that, it seems that:
1) pip needs to be changed to support calling Python subprocesses to enable 
lossless unicode transmission,
2) change the `errors` check in distutils.log to include 'surrogateescape'? 
(the heart of this issue)

nosy: +jkloth

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