New submission from Zachary Ware <>:

>From ZooDSS (Никита Люшненко) on docs@: :
""" - 
    "uses an collections.OrderedDict to remember" when it is better to use 
"uses a collections.OrderedDict to remember"
"Exceptions are a means" - Is it correct to use "a" here? "means" means a lot 
of them. "a" means one.

"In either case, it prints a stack backtrace" - most of the time in Python 
documentation term "traceback" is used instead of "backtrace". It may mislead 
newcomers, so they will think, that this is potentially a new term.
"Due to their side effects on the containing scope, yield expressions are not 
permitted as part of the implicitly defined scopes used to implement 
comprehensions and generator expressions (in Python 3.7, such expressions emit 
DeprecationWarning when compiled, in Python 3.8+ they will emit SyntaxError).." 
- two periods in the end of the sentence.
"...or automatically when the sub-iterator is a generator (by returning a value 
from the sub-generator)." - inconsistent use of "sub-iterator" term. Previously 
subiterator was referenced several times as "subiterator" not "sub-iterator".

If i understood something wrong, then i am sorry.
""" :

Term "sub-generator" is used in PEP 280 without dash ("-") symbol - 
"subgenerator". At the same time it is used as "sub-generator" 2 times on this 

"generator (by returning a value from the sub-generator)." - here.

"The proposal to introduce the yield_from syntax, making delegation to 
sub-generators easy." - and here.
""" :
"function as a asynchronous generator function." - it's better to say "function 
as an asynchronous generator function."
"When an asynchronous generator function is resumed with a __anext__() method" 
- may be better "...function is resumed with an __anext__() method".

"the awaitable instead raises an StopAsyncIteration exception" - at the same 
time here may be better to use "the awaitable instead raises a 
StopAsyncIteration exception".
"an StopAsyncIteration exception is raised" - here is the same situation as 
previously. "a" instead of "an" may be better.

Here goes very special case, and if i am wrong you can laugh on me as much as 
you wish! =)
"Since tuples are immutable, the rules for literals apply" - Tuples are 
immutable, but not literals. So may be "the same rules as for literals apply" 
is better? Or does it apply exactly those rules, that apply for literals? "()" 
- this is a literal, that yelds an empty tuple. But this doesn't connect, or i 
am wrong? If i am - then i am very sorry.

Again, if i mistook something - i am sorry. Thanks for the good work. This is 
the best documentation i've ever seen.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 325362
nosy: docs@python, zach.ware
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: needs patch
status: open
title: Typo reports on docs@
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.6, Python 3.7, Python 3.8

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