New submission from Jose Angel Acosta <>:

A request have been srecentrly uddenly committed to avoid Slave/Master wording 
in python code, I think the "issue"was not enough peer-reviewed, me having 
slave roots from my african and jewish heritage I dont consider this matter an 
Issue, but the Wording Slave/Master widely used to depict component 
relationship is better for understanding the purpose of the component relation 
than the non-traditional wording schemes as Parent/Worker, specially for those 
being non-native English readers the change has issues on code readability 
specially for non-English readers.

Simple, its much easier to understand the meaning of Slave/Master relationship 
in device functionality than Worker/Helper, I consider the whole issue as an 
intrusion of the "politically correct" puritanism in areas where is not 

The main force behind Python success is CODE READABILITY, not  political 
rightfulness, this should be stopped here,Python itself the language name its 
an word which remembers snakes a creature considered impure by both 
Jew/Islamic/Christian religions, by appling the same political rightfulness 
code to this, Python language should be renamed to something non-offensive to 
Jew/Islamic/Christians as Bunny, (and this at least doesnt affect language 
readbility, since "run bunny code" vs "run python code" its easier to 
understand than "Process Master delegate X Data to Slave process" vs "Parent 
process Delegate X Data to Worker Process", the later meaning is not as easy to 
understand, since Parent can be translated in N ways across different 
languages, I.E. Spanish: Parent could means mother, father, cause while Worker 
just means Worker (not intrinsically related to cause or mother).

I think the python language should be kept from explicitly offensive wordings 
not those "niche" offensive wordings when the whole language is named after an 
animal that is offensive on most cultures (And its not a problem), the same 
naming process slave/master doesn't denote support to slavery, are just words 
that its more easy to understand its meaning (given its more uniform) across 
multiple human languages.

I consider the voting mechanism should consider polls among programmers before 
commit matters like this in the future, which respectfully I consider 
ridiculous and I said it with respect to my slave ancestors.

assignee: docs@python
components: 2to3 (2.x to 3.x conversion tool), Argument Clinic, Build, 
Cross-Build, Demos and Tools, Distutils, Documentation, Extension Modules, 
FreeBSD, IDLE, IO, Installation, Interpreter Core, Library (Lib), Regular 
Expressions, SSL, Tests, Tkinter, Unicode, Windows, XML, asyncio, ctypes, 
email, macOS
messages: 325434
nosy: AcostaJA, Alex.Willmer, asvetlov, barry, docs@python, dstufft, 
eric.araujo, ezio.melotti, koobs, larry, mrabarnett, ned.deily, paul.moore, 
r.david.murray, ronaldoussoren, steve.dower, terry.reedy, tim.golden, vstinner, 
yselivanov, zach.ware
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Dismiss To Avoid Slave/Master wording cause it easier for non English 
spoken programmers
type: enhancement

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