New submission from Tim Burke <>:

Not sure if this is a documentation or behavior bug, but... the docs for 

> Prepare the request by connecting to a proxy server. *The host and type will 
> replace those of the instance*, and the instance’s selector will be the 
> original URL given in the constructor.

(Emphasis mine.) In practice, behavior is more nuanced than that:

>>> from urllib.request import Request
>>> req = Request('http://hostame:port/some/path')
>>>, req.type
('hostame:port', 'http')
>>> req.set_proxy('proxy:other-port', 'https')
>>>, req.type # So far, so good...
('proxy:other-port', 'https')
>>> req = Request('https://hostame:port/some/path')
>>>, req.type
('hostame:port', 'https')
>>> req.set_proxy('proxy:other-port', 'http')
>>>, req.type # Type doesn't change!
('proxy:other-port', 'https')

Looking at the source 
( it's 
obvious why https is treated specially.

The behavior is consistent with how things worked on py2...

>>> from urllib2 import Request
>>> req = Request('http://hostame:port/some/path')
>>> req.get_host(), req.get_type()
('hostame:port', 'http')
>>> req.set_proxy('proxy:other-port', 'https')
>>> req.get_host(), req.get_type()
('proxy:other-port', 'https')
>>> req = Request('https://hostame:port/some/path')
>>> req.get_host(), req.get_type()
('hostame:port', 'https')
>>> req.set_proxy('proxy:other-port', 'http')
>>> req.get_host(), req.get_type()
('proxy:other-port', 'https')

... but only if you're actually inspecting host/type along the way!

>>> from urllib2 import Request
>>> req = Request('https://hostame:port/some/path')
>>> req.set_proxy('proxy:other-port', 'http')
>>> req.get_host(), req.get_type()
('proxy:other-port', 'http')

(FWIW, this came up while porting an application from py2 to py3; there was a 
unit test expecting that last behavior of proxying a https connection through a 
http proxy.)

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 325449
nosy: tburke
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: urllib.request.Request.set_proxy doesn't (necessarily) replace type

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