New submission from Devin Fee <>:

I expected an async-generator's aclose() method to cancel it's __anext__(). 
Instead, the task isn't cancelled, and (it seems) manually cleanup is necessary.

async def test_aclose_cancels():
    done = False
    event = asyncio.Event()
    agen = None

    async def make_agen():
            await event.wait()
            raise NotImplementedError()
            yield  # pylint: disable=W0101, unreachable
            nonlocal done
            done = True

    async def run():
        nonlocal agen
        agen = make_agen()
        await agen.__anext__()

    task = asyncio.ensure_future(run())
    await asyncio.sleep(.01)

    await agen.aclose()
    await asyncio.sleep(.01)

    assert done
    assert task.done() and task.exception()

Looking at the tests for CPython, the implementation seems to expect it, but 
I'm unclear if PEP-525 actually intends for this to be the case:

Alternatively, maybe I shouldn't be calling aclose, and instead I should be 
cancelling the task:

async def test_cancel_finalizes():
    done = False
    event = asyncio.Event()
    agen = None

    async def make_agen():
            await event.wait()
            raise NotImplementedError()
            yield  # pylint: disable=W0101, unreachable
            nonlocal done
            done = True

    async def run():
        nonlocal agen
        agen = make_agen()
        await agen.__anext__()

    task = asyncio.ensure_future(run())
    await asyncio.sleep(.01)
    await asyncio.sleep(.01)

    assert done
    assert task.done()

So the "bug" here is one of PEP-525 clarification.

components: asyncio
messages: 325699
nosy: asvetlov, dfee, yselivanov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: aclose() doesn't stop raise StopAsyncIteration / GeneratorExit to 
versions: Python 3.7

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