New submission from Adrian Keister <>:
tkinter.Tk().winfo_screenmmwidth() and tkinter.Tk().winfo_screenmmheight() give manifestly incorrect values in Windows. This does not appear to be an issue in Linux. I have not tested a Mac. The values reported in Windows are too large by as much as 58%. Searching online seems to indicate that the issue is some applications in Windows are "dpi aware"; unfortunately, none of the so-called work-arounds I've found actually fix the problem. The tkinter.Tk().winfo_screenwidth() and tkinter.Tk().winfo_screenheight() functions, reporting their results in pixels, appear to be correct. A MWE is simply import tkinter tkinter.Tk().winfo_screenmmwidth() This reports a 508 mm on my 15.6" screen, when the true value is closer to 343 mm. This is a 48% error, and hence an unusable result. Thank you for your time! ---------- components: Tkinter messages: 327265 nosy: Ackbach priority: normal severity: normal status: open title: Python 3 tkinter measurement problem type: behavior versions: Python 3.6 _______________________________________ Python tracker <> <> _______________________________________ _______________________________________________ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: