Dan Snider <mr.assume.a...@gmail.com> added the comment:

It might be more appropriate to start a new issue for this, but I'll leave that 
decision to somehow who would know for sure. Anyway, basically the entire 
dict/PyDictObject api functions do not appear work at all with OrderedDict. Or 
rather, OrderedDict doesn't seem to be able to recognize the changes the dict 
api makes to an object. This is present in both 3.6.0 and 3.7.0 by the way.

        from operator import setitem
        from collections import OrderedDict
        from pprint import pprint
        class thing:
                def __init__(self):
                        ns = OrderedDict(a='od.__init__')
                        vars(__class__)['__dict__'].__set__(self, ns)
                        dict.__setitem__(ns, 'b', 'dict.__setitem__')
                        self.c = 'PyObject_SetAttr'
                        OrderedDict.__setitem__(ns, 'd', 'od.__setitem__')
                        object.__setattr__(self, 'f', 'PyObject_GenericSetAttr')
                        setattr(self, 'f', 'PyObject_SetAttr')
                        setitem(ns, 'g', 'od.__setitem__')
                        dict.update(ns, h='dict.update')
                        dict.setdefault(ns, 'i', 'i')
        self    = thing()
        ns      = self.__dict__
        real_ns = {**ns}
        missing = {k: ns[k] for k in real_ns.keys() - ns.keys()}
        pprint(missing, width=len(f'{missing}')-1)
        print(f'"b" in {ns.keys()} == {"b" in ns.keys()}')
        print(f'"b" in {*ns.keys(),} == {"b" in [*ns.keys()]}')
        del ns['a']
        del ns['b']
        print(f"ns.get('c', KeyError('c')) == {ns.get('c', KeyError('c'))}")
        print(f"ns.pop('c', KeyError('c')) == {ns.pop('c', KeyError('c'))!r}")

Maybe it's considered undefined behavior for a subclass to use 
 a method of one of its bases which it has overriden. That's fair enough, but 
as this example demonstrates, the silence and arbitrariness of the errors is a 
real problem when OrderedDict is used as a namespace, since it's a complete 
coin toss on whether one of the many internal API function will set an 
attribute or name via PyDict_SetItem or PyObject_SetItem. Only the former can 
invoke the methods OrderedDict overrides and there isn't any easy-to-find on 
the subject as far as I know.

nosy: +bup

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