Cheryl Sabella <> added the comment:

This isn't meant as a comment from any previous posts.  It's simply meant to 
correct a statement (based on new information in the past 2 years) from the 
original post.

Since this original report, some ABCs that are not "One Trick Ponies" have been 
added which implement  __subclasshook__.  `Collection` is one of those, so 
using the original example:

>>> from import Sequence, Container, Sized, Collection
>>> class MySequence(object):
...     def __contains__(self, item): pass
...     def __len__(self): pass
...     def __iter__(self): pass
...     def __getitem__(self, index): pass
...     def __len__(self): pass
...     def __reversed__(self): pass
...     def index(self, item): pass
...     def count(self, item): pass
>>> issubclass(MySequence, Container)
>>> issubclass(MySequence, Sized)
>>> issubclass(MySequence, Sequence)
>>> issubclass(MySequence, Collection)

Collection is not a "One Trick Pony" because it is used for Sized, Iterable 

Generator, Coroutine, and ASyncGenerator are also not "One Trick Ponies" 
(although they are defined under that section in

Again, for reference, the definition of One Trick Pony from PEP3119 is:
These abstract classes represent single methods like __iter__ or __len__.

If only One Trick Ponies implemented __subclasshook__, then the original 
documentation issue:
> These ABCs allow us to ask classes or instances if they provide particular 
> functionality, for example:

maybe could have been changed to:
> These ABCs allow us to ask classes or instances if they provide singular 
> functionality, for example:

But, that's not really correct anymore.

nosy: +cheryl.sabella

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