Berry Schoenmakers <> added the comment:

Agreed, extending pow(value, n, modulus) to negative n would be a great 

To have modinv(value, modulus) next to that also makes a lot of sense to me, as 
this would avoid lots of confusion among users who are not so experienced with 
modular arithmetic. I know from working with generations of students and 
programmers how easy it is to make mistakes here (including lots of mistakes 
that I made myself;)

One would implement pow() for negative n, anyway, by first computing the 
modular inverse and then raising it to the power -n. So, to expose the modinv() 
function to the outside world won't cost much effort.

Modular powers, in particular, are often very confusing. Like for a prime 
modulus p, all of pow(a, -1,p), pow(a, p-2, p), pow(a, -p, p) are equal to 
eachother, but a common mistake is to take pow(a, p-1, p) instead. For a 
composite modulus things get much trickier still, as the exponent is then 
reduced in terms of the Euler phi function. 

And, even if you are not confused by these things, it's still a bit subtle that 
you have to use pow(a, -1,p) instead of pow(a, p-2, p) to let the modular 
inverse be computed efficiently. With modinv() available separately, one would 
expect --and get-- an efficient implementation with minimal overhead (e.g., not 
implemented via a complete extended-gcd).

nosy: +lschoe

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