Terry J. Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> added the comment:

The squeezer feature added last summer can be used to copy large output in 
Shell to the clipboard.  '>>> [None]*10000' results in a squeezer label 
representing 750 wrapped lines.  Note that pasting into a new editor disables 
it for awhile.  (Editor does not wrap).  Pasting into command prompt is not 
good either.  Notepad++ handles the 60000 char line pretty well.

I am not sure what I was thinking about a block copy in Shell.  If a block is 
selected, it is easily copied.

My thinking now is that large output in the debugger should be squeezed, at a 
much lower threashhold than in Shell.  It is designed for values of, say, 40 
chars or less.  'Large' values could then be copied to clipboard or displayed 
in a separate viewer.

versions: +Python 3.8 -Python 3.4

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