Tim Peters <t...@python.org> added the comment:

> *Clearly*, negative NaNs should be sorted to the start
> of the list, while positive NaNs are sorted to the end
> of the list. (Yes, I'm joking, but only a little bit: that's
> the result you'd get if you used IEEE 754's totalOrder
> to sort.

So not a joke at all!  If a revision of the standard mandates a specific total 
ordering, it's certain that people will eventually ask for it be supported.

> But it's difficult to see how it would be useful in
> practice, given that people usually don't know about
> or care about the sign that their NaN has.)

The standard "wastes" an enormous number of bit patterns on NaNs, catering to 
some hypothetical system that uses those bits to encode diagnostic information 
(e.g., maybe the source code line number of the operation that produced the 
NaN), and this is just one more "wasted" bit.  If any implementation actually 
used any of these possibilities, I'm sure semi-plausible ;-) use cases would 

I bet this was driven by implementation - it's _almost_ what you'd get if you 
viewed the float bit patterns as signed integers.  Seems the only flaw with 
that is that the negative floats are in "reverse order" then.  Which can be 
repaired easily enough; e.g.,

    import struct
    def totkey(x, *, MASK=(1 << 63) - 1, pack=struct.pack):
        asint = int.from_bytes(pack(">d", x), "big", signed=True)
        if asint < 0:
            asint ^= MASK
        return asint


    xs = [2.0, 1.0, 0.0, -0.0, -1.0, -2.0,
          math.inf, -math.inf, math.nan, -math.nan]
    print(sorted(xs, key=totkey))


    [nan, -inf, -2.0, -1.0, -0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, inf, nan]

That makes negative NaNs smallest, positive NaNs largest, puts -0 before +0, 
and in all other respects I checked ;-) appears to match the totalOrder 
requirements.  On most boxes, it will even consider (positive) signaling NaNs 
to "be smaller" than (positive) quiet NaNs, which totalOrder also seems to 
require (presumably again not because it's obviously useful, but because it 
_follows_ from a very simple implementation like the one above).


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