Paul Ganssle <> added the comment:

> 2to3 is designed as a tool to convert a Python 2 code base to Python 3 at 
> once. I understand that once the code base is converted, you may want to 
> revert some unwanted "useless" changes.

While this problem is likely to show up because someone has run 2to3 on a 
codebase more than once, I have *always* used parentheses around my print 
statements, even in pure Python 2, so it's not necessarily the case that this 
will cause problems.

I think this is a legitimate bug but also harmless since the code it generates 
is equivalent to the version with only one set of parentheses. I don't see a 
great deal of harm in marking this as low priority and leaving the bug open for 
someone to fix later, other than the fact that if someone comes along and fixes 
it, they may be discouraged to find that there are not really core developers 
interested in reviewing and merging the PR.

I will note that with the end of Python 2, 2to3 may become *more* relevant as 
fewer and fewer people are looking to translate code from 2->2/3 and more 
people will be looking to translate 2->3 directly.

nosy: +p-ganssle

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