Michael Felt <aixto...@felt.demon.nl> added the comment:

On 23/04/2019 17:53, Steve Dower wrote:
> Steve Dower <steve.do...@python.org> added the comment:
>> Being 'runtime' rather than 'buildtime' seemed more precise - tests that
>> are not meant to be build-time dependent use run-time status while
>> leaving sys.platform for concerns that are directly related to builds
> This is a good point - perhaps we need both?
> Many of the current test skips are related to build-time switches, but 
> indeed, some relate to the runtime environment.
> One aspect I'm keeping in mind here is that with the Windows Subsystem for 
> Linux, many lines are becoming blurred with respect to which build of Python 
> people are using (I'm already getting bug reports from people who thought 
> they were getting the Windows build but actually the Linux one, or vice 
> versa). And mismatching builds causes some weird problems. Being able to 
> clearly identify "Windows build + WSL environment" or "Linux build + WSL 
> environment" will likely matter more over time.
> It would be nice to have all the checks centralized, perhaps a set of 
> decorators in a test.requires module?
> @test.requires.linux_platform
> @test.requires.darwin_platform
> @test.requires.macos_runtime(10, 9)
> def test_my_test(self): ...
> (It would require some clever decorator design, but we can make those work 
> like "ORs" rather than "ANDs".)
> Does it provide any benefit? I think it's clever,
Too clever for me to build. There is a lot about the Python language
(syntax) I do not understand well enough.
> but that doesn't mean it's worthwhile :) Using skipIf and skipUnless with 
> test.support.CONSTANTS is just as readable and just as obvious (once we're 
> using them consistently).

To that end, I modified another 60 lines, or so, of mainly sys.platform
== 'win32' to use MS_WINDOWS, not MS_WINDOWS, skipIf(MS_WINDOWS,...) or
SkipUnless(MS_WINDOWS,...) - or comparable for the other platforms.

I also replaced the use of (support.)is_android and (support.is_java)

Curious about comments from code owners. And suggestions re: the
sys.platform lines (roughly 50) that are left.

FYI: when I started there were 321 references to sys.platform with
roughly 315 involved in a string comparison of some kind. Now it is
closer to 50.

> <End brainstorming>
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