Martin Panter <> added the comment:

Test_http_cookies line 19 has the following test case:

{'data': 'keebler="E=mc2; L=\\"Loves\\"; fudge=\\012;"',
 'dict': {'keebler' : 'E=mc2; L="Loves"; fudge=\012;'},
 'repr': '''<SimpleCookie: keebler='E=mc2; L="Loves"; fudge=\\n;'>''',
 'output': 'Set-Cookie: keebler="E=mc2; L=\\"Loves\\"; fudge=\\012;"'}

This is similar to an example in the documentation:

>>> C.load('keebler="E=everybody; L=\\"Loves\\"; fudge=\\012;";')
>>> print(C)
Set-Cookie: keebler="E=everybody; L=\"Loves\"; fudge=\012;"

If you break parsing of this string in the “load” method, you break documented 
behaviour. The “http.cookie” module is documented to follow RFC 2109. I believe 
the strings are valid by RFC 2109, in which the value is allowed to use the 
HTTP “quoted-string” format.


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