Steven D'Aprano <> added the comment:

The docs do say what super does: it returns "a proxy object that delegates 
method calls to a parent or sibling class of type", just as you quoted. That 
concise description is (almost) completely accurate and precise.

(I say *almost* because it's not just method calls that it works with, but any 
attribute lookup.)

What more do you want? That's not a rhetorical question.

I'm not saying that the docs are perfect or cannot be improved, but they look 
pretty good to me: they tell you what super does, they tell you why you might 
use it, and show how to use it. What's missing? Again, not a rhetorical 

I understand that super is a very advanced corner of the language: there's a 
lot of necessary technical jargon in the docs, e.g.:

- One already needs to have a good understanding of what super *does* in order 
to make sense of the sentence describing what it *is*, so there's an element of 
circular reasoning needed.

- The reader needs to understand that super isn't magical, it just returns an 
object like any other function, and understand what "proxy object" means, as 
well as delegation.

- And have an understanding of how inheritance and the MRO work in Python, and 
the difference between bound and unbound methods/proxies.

I think that to the experienced reader who knows these concepts, the docs 
should be pretty clear and complete.

I'm having a hard time seeing what you believe is missing from the docs. Can 
you explain further?

Perhaps there ought to be a "gentle guide to super" somewhere, and the docs 
could link to that?


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