Nathaniel Smith <> added the comment:

One of Guido's mentees (I don't know her bpo account name) also ran into this:

Some analysis shows that we do have a bug in the docs – the sphinx '.. 
module::' directive is only supposed to be used once per module, because it 
means "this is the canonical documentation for this module, that should be 
linked to whenever anyone mentions this module".

But we have two documents that use '.. module:: email.message':

I don't know enough about the email module to know what the right fix is, so 
I'll CC the email-interest-area folks too... maybe email.compat32-message.rst 
should be using '.. currentmodule:: email.message' instead of '.. module::'?

It's not clear why this error is appearing and disappearing for different 
people. The sphinx 2.1 release did make some changes in this area:

but that doesn't explain why it appears and disappears randomly.

Probably not worth tracking down though, given that we can just fix the 
underlying problem.

nosy: +barry, gvanrossum, maxking, njs, r.david.murray
resolution: not a bug -> 
stage: resolved -> 
status: closed -> open

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