Cheryl Sabella <> added the comment:

tl;dr I think it's a difference in the CSS for the HTML5 writer. 


In the HTMLTranslator class for docutils writer [1], I found the following 
docstring, specifically the line "The html5_polyglot writer solves this using 

    The html4css1 writer has been optimized to produce visually compact
    lists (less vertical whitespace).  HTML's mixed content models
    allow list items to contain "<li><p>body elements</p></li>" or
    "<li>just text</li>" or even "<li>text<p>and body
    elements</p>combined</li>", each with different effects.  It would
    be best to stick with strict body elements in list items, but they
    affect vertical spacing in older browsers (although they really
    The html5_polyglot writer solves this using CSS2.

    Here is an outline of the optimization:

    - Check for and omit <p> tags in "simple" lists: list items
      contain either a single paragraph, a nested simple list, or a
      paragraph followed by a nested simple list.  This means that
      this list can be compact:

          - Item 1.
          - Item 2.

      But this list cannot be compact:

          - Item 1.

            This second paragraph forces space between list items.

          - Item 2.

    - In non-list contexts, omit <p> tags on a paragraph if that
      paragraph is the only child of its parent (footnotes & citations
      are allowed a label first).

    - Regardless of the above, in definitions, table cells, field bodies,
      option descriptions, and list items, mark the first child with
      'class="first"' and the last child with 'class="last"'.  The stylesheet
      sets the margins (top & bottom respectively) to 0 for these elements.

    The ``no_compact_lists`` setting (``--no-compact-lists`` command-line
    option) disables list whitespace optimization.

In the HTMLTranslator class for the base [2], I found this comment:
    # Do not omit <p> tags
    # --------------------
    # The HTML4CSS1 writer does this to "produce
    # visually compact lists (less vertical whitespace)". This writer
    # relies on CSS rules for"visual compactness".
    # * In XHTML 1.1, e.g. a <blockquote> element may not contain
    #   character data, so you cannot drop the <p> tags.
    # * Keeping simple paragraphs in the field_body enables a CSS
    #   rule to start the field-body on a new line if the label is too long
    # * it makes the code simpler.

Since both comments are a few years old, I think it's in the CSS.



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