New submission from Scott Dial <>:

There is a problem with the table contents with respect to literals that
cannot be word-wrapped. I see this issue here:

The line in the table of contents that reads "The multiprocessing.dummy
module" is broken in that the literal "multiprocessing.sharedctypes"
overflows into the right-hand side. It also ends up underneath the
contents on the right, which makes it extra hard to know what that entry
was about.

This instance may be browser specific, but I think it brings up a more
general question of what should be done with such long literals and how
overflow should be handled. And perhaps even whether it is wise to have
set the width of that div to such a narrow and specific value (230px).

I've attached a screenshot from Firefox in case it is not
as reproducible as I would expect.

assignee: georg.brandl
components: Documentation
files: multiprocessing.png
messages: 78151
nosy: georg.brandl, scottdial
severity: normal
status: open
title: Wide literals in the table of contents overflow in documentation
type: behavior
Added file:

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