Warren Weckesser <warren.weckes...@gmail.com> added the comment:

I find it hard to accept the first option.  It seems to let a detail of the 
current implementation take precedence over API design.  I don't see why we 
would want an API in which harmonic_mean([1, 0, -1]) returns 0 but 
harmonic_mean([-1, 0, 1]) raises an error.  The harmonic mean should be 
invariant to permutations of the input (well, at least to within normal 
floating point precision when the input is floating point).  I wouldn't expect 
such a radical change in behavior based on how I ordered my input to 

The second option appears to be the API that was intended when the function was 
implemented.  Returning 0 when one or more inputs are 0 (and the rest are 
positive numbers) is justified by taking a limit.  Just like we *define* the 
sinc function (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinc_function) to be 1 at x=0 and 
sin(x)/x when x != 0 (because the limit as x approaches 0 of sin(x)/x is 1), we 
can define the value of the harmonic mean with zeros in the input as the 
limiting value as one (or more) positive values goes to 0.  That limit is 0.  
(Also note that, in the case where just one input is 0, the expression for the 
harmonic mean can be manipulated into a form that gives 0 without requiring a 
limit. E.g. for three values, 1/(1/x0 + 1/x1 + 1/x2) = x0*x1*x2/(x1*x2 + x0*x2 
+ x0*x1).  If just one of those values is 0, the denominator is nonzero, so the 
result is simply 0.)

There is a nice analogy from electrical circuit theory.  Given, say, three 
resistances R1, R2 and R3 wired in parallel, the total resistance R is

   R = 1/(1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3) = harmonic_mean([R1, R2, R3])/3

 Intuitively, we know that if any of those resistances is 0 (i.e. there is a 
short circuit), the total resistance is also 0.

The resistance analogy also gives the correct interpretation for the case where 
the input includes both 0 and +inf.  An infinite resistance is an open circuit 
(i.e. no connection), so putting that in parallel with a short circuit still 
results in a total resistance of 0.

The third option, in which any zero in the input is treated as an error, is a 
change in behavior. Given the justification for returning 0, and given that 
currently a call such as harmonic_mean([1, 0, 2]) *does* return 0, making that 
an error seems like an undesirable change.


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