New submission from Jake Tesler <>:

I have encountered a minor bug with the new `threading.get_native_id()` 
featureset in Python 3.8. The bug occurs when creating a new 
multiprocessing.Process object on Unix (or on any platform where the 
multiprocessing start_method is 'fork' or 'forkserver').

When creating a new process via fork, the Native ID in the new MainThread is 
incorrect. The new forked process' threading.MainThread object inherits the 
Native ID from the parent process' MainThread instead of capturing/updating its 
own (new) Native ID.

See the following snippet:

>>> import threading, multiprocessing
>>> multiprocessing.set_start_method('fork') # or 'forkserver'
>>> def proc(): print(threading.get_native_id(), 
>>> threading.main_thread().native_id) # get_native_id(), mainthread.native_id
>>> proc()
22605 22605 # get_native_id(), mainthread.native_id
>>> p = multiprocessing.Process(target=proc)
>>> p.start()
22648 22605 # get_native_id(), mainthread.native_id
>>> def update(): threading.main_thread()._set_native_id()
>>> def print_and_update(): proc(); update(); proc()
>>> print_and_update()
22605 22605 # get_native_id(), mainthread.native_id
22605 22605 
>>> p2=multiprocessing.Process(target=print_and_update); p2.start()
22724 22605 # get_native_id(), mainthread.native_id
22724 22724
>>> print_and_update()
22605 22605 # get_native_id(), mainthread.native_id
22605 22605

As you can see, the new Process object's MainThread.native_id attribute matches 
that of the MainThread of its parent process. 

Unfortunately, I'm not too familiar with the underlying mechanisms that 
Multiprocessing uses to create forked processes. 
I believe this behavior occurs because (AFAIK) a forked multiprocessing.Process 
copies the MainThread object from its parent process, rather than 
reinitializing a new one. Looking further into the multiprocessing code, it 
appears the right spot to fix this would be in the 
multiprocessing.Process.bootstrap() function. 

I've created a branch containing a working fix - I'm also open to suggestions 
of how a fix might otherwise be implemented. 
If it looks correct I'll create a PR against the CPython 3.8 branch. 

See the branch here:

Thanks all!

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 356070
nosy: jaketesler, vstinner
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Multiprocessing: bug with Native ID for threading.mainthread()
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.8

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