Fabio Zadrozny <fab...@users.sourceforge.net> added the comment:


First you have to explain to me how you envision changing the method code 
reliably in the debugger... 

Import hooks don't work (they'd break with something as simple as the code 

def method():
   a = 10

mod = reload(old_mod)
old_mod.method.__code__ = mod.method.__code__

using the tracing also doesn't work (it's too late to change the code)

Note: consider the reload just an example, not the only use case (say, the user 
could pickle code objects to remote execution and the debugger should still 

Also, consider you have to change the bytecode of methods which are only 
internal to a function (and thus can't be accessed from the outside).

Then, if you have a reliable way to do it, how do you keep track of those code 
objects to reapply the patching when breakpoints change? What if it adds a 
breakpoint to a new method, how do you locate it? Creating strong references to 
methods isn't an option because it would prevent things from being garbage 
collected (and you'd have to track all objects containing code objects for it 
to be reliable).

As a note, pydevd does have some support for hot-reloading, but there are too 
many corner-cases and it doesn't work 100% for live coding (it's an unsolved 
problem is Python) -- and I can't really envision it working for regular 
breakpoints as there are too many corner cases to handle.


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