Eryk Sun <> added the comment:

The directory probably has the "readonly" attribute set. The documentation 
includes a basic remove_readonly error handler for rmtree [1]:

    import os, stat
    import shutil
    def remove_readonly(func, path, _):
        "Clear the readonly bit and reattempt the removal"
        os.chmod(path, stat.S_IWRITE)

    shutil.rmtree(directory, onerror=remove_readonly)

That the readonly attribute prevents unlinking a directory is not particularly 
useful because a directory has to be empty anyway in order to unlink it. This 
is in contrast to the "immutable" file attribute in Linux, which prevents any 
modification of a directory, such as linking or unlinking files in it. Windows 
inherits its comparatively simplistic behavior for readonly directories from 

Since setting a directory as readonly is practically useless, the Windows shell 
reuses this attribute to indicate a customized folder [2]. If a directory is 
flagged readonly, the shell checks for and reads a "desktop.ini" file in it 
that can set a custom name, icon, tooltip, etc. Given you're copying a folder 
that contains a desktop.ini file, it's very likely that the readonly attribute 
is set. 

shutil.copytree will copy the readonly attribute to the destination directory 
via os.chmod. This is the only file attribute that gets copied (e.g. hidden and 
system aren't handled), due to a hack in the Windows CRT that conflates the 
readonly file attribute as a write 'permission' for chmod() and stat(). (Being 
readonly is an attribute of the file or directory, not a granted permission. 
os.access is the correct function to take both attributes and permissions into 
account, not os.stat.) Python inherits the CRT behavior in its own 
implementation of os.chmod and os.stat in Windows. It does so as an accident of 
history, not because it's justified.



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