Josh Rosenberg <> added the comment:

Yes, five outstanding blocked puts can be bypassed by a put that comes in 
immediately after a get creates space. But this isn't really a problem; there 
are no guarantees on what order puts are executed in, only a guarantee that 
once a put succeeds, it's FIFO ordered with respect to all other puts.

Nothing in the docs even implies the behavior you're expecting, so I'm not 
seeing how even a documentation fix is warranted here. The docs on put clearly 

"Put an item into the queue. If the queue is full, wait until a free slot is 
available before adding the item."

If we forcibly hand off on put even when a slot is available (to allow older 
puts to finish first), then we violate the expectation that waiting is only 
performed when the queue is full (if I test myqueue.full() and it returns 
False, I can reasonably expect that put won't block). This would be especially 
impossible to fix if people write code like `if not myqueue.full(): 
myqueue.put_nowait()`. put_nowait isn't even a coroutine, so it *can't* hand 
off control to the event loop to allow waiting puts to complete, even if it 
wanted to, and it can't fail to put (e.g. by determining the empty slots will 
be filled by outstanding puts in some relatively expensive way), because you 
literally *just* verified the queue wasn't full and had no awaits between the 
test and the put_nowait, so it *must* succeed.

In short: Yes, it's somewhat unpleasant that a queue slot can become free and 
someone else can swoop in and steal it before older waiting puts can finish. 
But any change that "fixed" that would make all code slower (forcing 
unnecessary coroutine switches), and violate existing documentation guarantees.


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